Monday, January 19, 2015


Today I drove with my brother and Mom to the sunshine of the Deschutes River area! A day full of birdsong, river music, blue skies and even history!!!!!
We walked up the railroad bed above the river. The Meadowlarks were all around us singing in lilting, liquidy voices. As the sun topped the hills the light set off all the forms and shapes of the plants and grasses. Moisture from recent rains released scents of sage. I can still smell it when I close my eyes. We watched redbrown Canyon Wrens hop in and out of crevices in the cliffs. On the way back we followed a trail which my brother said was an
old roadbed and sure enough when we reached the end there was a sign saying that it was built in the 1860's as a wagon and stagecoach road! A truly BEAUTIFUL day!!!!!!

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